Minggu, 15 Desember 2013

The Tao Of Badass Review: Is It Legit?

The Tao Of Badass Review: Is It Legit?

The Tao Of Badass is a dating advice book that claims to teach men the way to overcome their insecurities and pick up the woman of their dreams. This book has caused quite a stir with dating coaches and available men of all ages. While there have been many books written that claim to teach men how to “pick up chicks” in a fail-proof manner, there is something different about this book. It most likely has to do with the strong amount of confidenceexuded by the author, Jason Pellicer: a man with quite a large following, mostly in part to his radio show that also revolves around the world of dating. In this Tao Of Badass review, we will cover what the book does, what’s great about it, and what makes it just another self-help book written by one man.
The Tao Of Badass uses easy to follow steps to teach readers how to show their most attractive selves, and to help them find it if they have lost sight of what makes them- well – badass. Jason Pellicer uses his own experiences to shape the book, abandoning the stereotypical “be yourself” attitude that is often demonstrated in dating books. The Tao of Badass effectively demonstrates how a man needs to show confidence in himself in order to impress a woman- especially a woman who knows what she wants.

Many men want a woman who either plays hard to get, or ishard to get. This product is well suited for men who want this type of woman. It teaches them exactly what to do in any given scenario, even the most embarrassing situations. Focusing on the internal battles that must be won before battling for the affections of a woman, this product uses methods that worked for the author, rather than being crammed full of useless opinions that have never been tested, and quotes that were pulled from thin air.
The first thing I like about this book is also the main way that it differs from other dating advice books. Where most of these books are random facts and quotes jammed together to create a relatively decent sized manuscript, filling mens heads with ridiculous ideas regarding how to pick up a lady, The Tao of Badass is all original material straight from the author’s mind. He uses his own experiences to tell men what to do and what not to do when trying to reach out to a woman. Instead of sending men to their deaths in the dating world with a lot of useless information, this book gives real life experience to go on.
I also enjoy the fact that this book not only teaches how to score a woman, it also teaches men how to regain their confidence. Confidence is important. Many other books can fill heads with less than smooth pick-up lines, but if the confidence isn’t there, even the smoothest pick-up line in the world won’t achieve the desired result.
The only thing that I didn’t enjoy about this approach is this: these are only one man’s experiences put together into a manual of sorts that is meant to work for men in general. Every person is different, that’s one of the things that will allow two people to click. If every man in the country decided to go about dating in this particular manner, a lot of the unique scenarios that get people together would go by the wayside.

All in all, this is definitely a recommended read for men who want to enter the dating world with a renewed sense of self-confidence. The book doesn’t promote buying a one-way ticket to the world of being a player. Instead of teaching men how to play around with the hearts of many women until they find “the one,” it helps them get up the confidence to go after the woman that they really want.
I would recommend this book to any man that is done playing around in the casual dating scene, and is ready to wrangle in the perfect girl of his dreams, all while redefining his opinions of his own self-worth.

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